Khola Hawa

A social and cultural organisation

Creativity and openness are pre-requisites of a healthy and vibrant society. Unfortunately, the reality tends to be more awkward. There is a tendency for those in positions of authority to behave imperiously, as if they alone have a monopoly of the truth. As arrogance overwhelms individuals and groups, the plurality that has driven Indian society over the ages is often lost sight of.

To restore a sense of even-handedness in public life, and to promote an atmosphere of civilised debate, particularly in West Bengal, a handful of like-minded individuals got together in 2021 to establish Khola Hawa, an expression that is borrowed from Rabindranath Tagore. Our plans were disrupted by the long pandemic, and it wasn’t until 2023 that we could begin our activities.

Since then, as a start, we have attempted to widen the scope of public discourse by hosting events that challenged dominant intellectual traditions. We believe that it is only by presenting alternative perspectives that public life can be enriched. Ours is a modest attempt to challenge the smugness that comes from imagining that ours is the last word on most things.

We have started our journey by engaging with ideas. As we move forward, there are likely to be other frontiers to negotiate.

Dr Swapan Dasgupta
President, Khola Hawa,
Former Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha